Other websites below which maybe useful in your role:


  • For Network Rail employees, access company external website by clicking HERE


  • RSSB: Rail Standards and Safety board, download current Rule Book modules* and other relevant railway standards; click HERE         *Rule Book app now available. See Rule Book page for more info.


  • BT Police: Useful guides, reports and contact information; click HERE


  • ORR:  The Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) is the independent safety and economic regulator for Britain's railways; click HERE to access their site.


  • Railsigns: brilliant website, espeicially for trainees. Loads of info and pictures on current and past signals and signs. Click HERE


  • RAIB: Rail Accident and Investigation Branch: railway accident and incident investigators, interesting reports which may prove useful in preventing future accidents. Click HERE

  • NR Safety Central for Lifesaving Rules, Safety Bulletins, Alerts and lots more. Click HERE to be taken to the website.